Telugu Literary and Cultural Association (TLCA) in New York has been organizing a series of sports tournaments this year under the leadership of President Nehru Kataru. Badminton and Tennis tournaments were completed successfully in the month of June.
Now it’s time for the most sought after game within the Indian community, in particular the Telugu community. By now, you know we are talking about the cricket tournament. TLCA is inviting all the Indian & Telugu athletes and sports enthusiasts for this tournament.
In an effort to support sports and games, TLCA is on a spree conducting various sports tournaments. This cricket tournament is scheduled from 7 in the morning on Sunday the July 16th 2023 in Hicksville, New York. Registration fee is $250 per team.
All players must be Indian origin and at least 7 players should be Telugu speaking. Contact Bhagavan Nadimpalli at (917) 741-4195 or Jayaprakash Enjapuri at (516) 776-4172 for more information.