KalashramUSA announced its debut production show “Barikiyaan – The Kaleidoscopic Beauty of Kathak from Indian Films.” KalashramUSA invites you to experience the magic of Kathak dance through this unique production, showcased on two separate Friday evenings at Gas South Theater.
“Barikiyaan” brings the artistry of 26 Kathak dancers to life, reimagining iconic dance sequences from popular films. This captivating performance is enriched with voiceovers and rare video clips of the legendary Pandit Birju Maharaj, seamlessly blending Kathak’s timeless elegance with cinematic elements.
Featuring over 75 vibrant costumes flown in from India, “Barikiyaan” promises to be a sensory celebration of color, music, and movement. Join this KalashramUSA‘s journey through the beauty of Kathak and pay tribute to one of India’s most cherished legends. Tickets are now available at https://www.ticketmaster.com.