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Atlanta: Tremendous response for ATA Sayyandi Paadam & Beauty Pageant Competitions



Atlanta, Georgia hosted the ATA Sayyandi Paadam Dance Competitions and ATA Beauty Pageant Competitions on Saturday June 11th as part of the 17th ATA Conference and Youth Convention that will be held during July 1st to 3rd in Washington D.C. More than 25 dance groups were registered for this classical and non-classical dance competition.

Atlanta had received the second highest entries so far from all the cities where the event is going to be hosted. Event coordinators Balu Vallu and Swetha for Sayyandi Paadam and Sravani Rachakulla, Mallika Dumpala, Sruthi Chitoory and Udaya Eturi for Beauty Pageant Competitions reached out and encouraged all dance gurus and individuals in the area to be part of the events.

The daylong event was packed by the audience to watch the competitive performances. Categories of competition included varying genres of classical and non-classical in Sayyandi Paadam and Teens, Miss and Mrs categories in the ATA Pageant competition. The competition brought out the best of Atlanta talent with so many quality performances and talents.

After starting the program with prayer, Srirama Srinivas, Regional Director introduced the ATA Team Atlanta. After introduction, ATA BOT Anil Boddireddy had provided brief information about ATA and the benefits of being an ATA member and the services being provided by ATA.

This event was presided by Past President Karunakar Asireddy, ATA Conference Coordinator Kiran Pasham, ATA Conference Advisor Gowtham Goli, Anil Boddireddy ATA trustee, ATA BOT’s Venu Pisike and Prasheel Reddy and ATA National committee Venkat Veeraneni, Jaya Chanra (JC), Tirumal Pitta. Srinivas Vudatha, Niranjan Podduturi and Umesh Muthyala.

Speaking during the event Karunakar Asireddy, Kiran Pasham and Gowtham Goli have invited the residents of Atlanta to attend the Convention. Atlanta teams have given top-notch performances and leadership had personally met several performers and participants to appreciate and personally invite them to perform and participate at the conference.

ATA Team felicitated the judges with bouquets and mementos before announcing the winners for each category. Judges mentioned that they enjoyed all performances and said each one of them were better than the last and that it was wonderful to see so many excellent performances in Sayyandi Paadam and presentations in the Beauty Pageant while it was challenging to judges.

Winners in each category for Classical in Jr and Sr in group and Solo and Non-Classical Jr and Senior and Solo and Group were awarded with certificates and mementos. All participants in Pageant competition have received awards in different categories.  All participants were very happy to part of the competition and winners were excited that they are going to be performing in Washington D.C.

Kiran Pasham appreciated the judges for their patience and congratulated the winners and thanked all the participants for great performances. He also expressed great appreciation for Sriram, Balu Vallu, Swetha, Sravani Rachakulla, Mallika Dumpala, Sruthi Chitoory and Udaya Eturi and all the Atlanta Syyandi Paadam team for organizing a great event with a tremendous response. 

Atlanta coordinators thanked to Sayyandi Paadam Chair Sudha kondapu, Advisor Ramakrishna garu, Co-chairs Bhanu and Ramraj for their excellent support and Pageant Competition chair Neeharika Navalga and Advisor anil Boddireddy on conducting the competition and giving their valuable support. Also thanked to all the participants, parents for their participation and encouraged all to attend the conference to perform in finals in Washington DC.

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